Moen T2193EP Align Eco-Performance Tub and Shower Faucet Set Only (without Moen's PosiTemp Shower Valve), Chrome

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  • Modern styled Align tub and shower faucet set
  • For use with the PosiTemp valve system (compatible valves 2510, 2520, 2570, and 2590 sold separately). Visit to find the shower valve that works best for your homes internal plumbing!
  • Lever handles make it easy to adjust the water
  • M-PACT common valve system makes changing the look of your shower easy
  • Backed by Moen's Limited Lifetime Warranty

  • Bring a refreshed modern look to your bathroom with the Moen Align PosiTemp Tub and Shower Faucet Set. This tub and shower faucet combo is designed to work with Moen's PosiTemp valve system (valve sold separately), which maintains consistent water pressure and temperature while you shower. It has also been built on Moen's M-PACT common valve system, which makes changing the look of your shower easier than ever. Once the necessary M-PACT PosiTemp valve has been installed, you can change the shower body whenever you'd like! Giving you the freedom to remodel your bathtub shower without having to fuss with the behind the wall internal plumbing. The single-function fixed mount showerhead has a 3 5/8-inch spray face that delivers 2.0 gallons per minute for a thorough and relaxing rinse while meeting WaterSense standards for water conservation. And thanks to its attractive design and highly reflective chrome finish, this tub and shower faucet set complements a variety of styles.
    Brand: Moen, Model: T2193EP, Color: Chrome, Size: .5

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