Modway EEI-2541-WAL Render, 59" TV Stand, Walnut

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Brand Modway
Model EEI-2541-WAL
Color Walnut
Size 59" TV Stand

  • Mid-century TV stand - an organic aesthetic, clean Lines and a flared profile Bring mid-century intrigue to your living space. Update your home decor with this low profile retro modern TV stand
  • Superior Construction - sitting atop tapered legs, this TV stand features a Sturdy and strong frame that boasts natural wood grain veneer. Numerous cable management holes help to hide unsightly cords
  • VERSATILE entertainment center - the perfect piece for living rooms, Bedrooms, and lounge areas, this Media console accommodates your entertainment essentials with ease while supporting TVs up to 64"
  • Spacious storage - slatted sliding doors conceal adjustable shelves on both ends, and a center glide drawer provides space for loose Media accessories. Includes a center shelf for storage as well
  • Stand Measurements - Complement a variety of contemporary décors with this sophisticated mid-century TV stand perfect for the modern home. Product dimensions: 13.5"L x 58.5"W x 17"H

  • Tap into mid-century aesthetics with the Render 59” TV Stand. Render features a durable particleboard frame with smooth walnut grain veneer, four tapered wood legs, full-extension center drawer with shelf on top, non-marking foam foot pads, and opposite side adjustable shelves with dual slatted sliding doors for sophisticated media storage. Complete with cable management holes on both sides, Render's contemporary linear style is the perfect addition to the modern living room, lounge or recreation area.

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