Modern Box Cutter, extra tape cutter at back, dual side edge guide, 3 blade depth setting, 2 blades and holster - Red Color 2000

Easy Cut
SKU: EZFB0184W06Z4
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  • Fast and highly secure safety box cutter
  • Cutter with 2 side guide technology
  • Dimension 7x1.5x2inch, Weight 3.2 oz
  • 3 blade setting with blase blade vanishing technology
  • Holster left or right direction

  • EASY-CUTTM 2000 have built-in multiple blade-depth settings with slightly increased blade length that makes cutting single, double, and triple walled corrugated cardboards and boxes a breeze with superb control and fluidity - Even damaged and import boxes! A radius-blunt tip blade and integrated tape cutter makes EASY-CUTTM 2000 a world above its competitions! Designed with the user first, a gentle squeeze of its ergonomic handle extends the blade naturally. No need for continuous and repetitive thumbing action, thus greatly reduce the risk of injury that is common with other knives and box cutters. When the user is finished with cutting, simply release the handle, and the blade retracts automatically. Included in this set is an original clip-on holster and lanyard (stretches up to 6 feet!) with 360-degree rotation offers convenient and safe storage - reducing injuries and down-time looking for lost cutters! The dual-sided edge guide enables left- and right-handed users to make quick, accurate top cuts, and slides back into locked position when the cut is complete. The on-board blade storage enables fast and tool-free blade changes. EASY-CUTTM 2000 is available in two vibrant colors that is easy to spot: Red and Yellow. EASY-CUTTM 1000 is available in three vibrant colors that is easy to spot: Orange, White, and Blue.
    Brand: Easy Cut, Model: 09638, Color: Red

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