MK Diamond 166964 IXL Hinged Shroud

MK Diamond
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  • Engineered to control dust during concrete grinding operations
  • Snail shape design efficiently channels dust particles away from the work surface and into the vacuum port
  • Designed to fit most popular 7 inch and 9 inch grinders, the IXL can be used with cup wheels up to 7 inch in diameter
  • Helps to reduce cleanup time, provide better visibility and increase productivity
  • Cleaning, leveling spots, removing epoxies, urethanes, paint and other coatings, smoothing out uneven surfaces on floors, etc
  • Developed for heavy-duty use by contractors for grinding concrete, masonry and mortar
  • Dust control reduces clean up time
  • Made from an abrasive resistant plastic to prevent wear from the grinding process
  • Attaches to any traditional shop vacuum or commercial vacuum system
  • Easy to install

  • MK Diamond 166964 MK-IXL 7 Inch Hinged Vacuum Shroud has been engineered to control dust during concrete grinding operations. The shroud's snail shape design utilizes the air velocity created by the rotating grinding wheel to efficiently channel dust particles away from the work surface and into the vacuum port. Designed to fit most popular 7-inch and 9-inch grinders, the IXL can be used with cup wheels up to 7-inch in diameter. When used with a vacuum, the shroud helps to reduce cleanup time, provide better visibility and increase productivity. This shroud is specifically designed for cleaning, leveling spots, removing epoxies, urethanes, paint and other coatings, smoothing out uneven surfaces on floors and cleaning glues and mastics after removal of floor coverings.
    Brand: MK Diamond, Model: 166964, Color: Black

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