Minicraft Model Kits Kids KC-135R US Air Force Model Kit

Minicraft Model Kits
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  • This new KC-135R features new engine tooling representing CFM-56 high efficiency engines that improve speed and improves fuel efficiency.
  • New decals printed by Cartograf features markings for 2 United States Air Force aircraft.
  • Markings included in this kit are:KC-135R (58-0018), 22nd ARW (931st ARG) McConnell AFB, 2013KC-135R (58-0023), Illinois Air National Guard, ca. 2005

  • In the early 1950's the US Air Force needed a new high-speed jet transport that was capable of providing mid-air refueling for the new high speed jet bombers coming into service. The C/KC-135 design was chosen and has now served in the United States Air Force for almost 60 years making it among the longest serving "front-line" aircraft in history. The new Minicraft KC-135R represents the KC-135 as the airplane appears today. Extensive modifications have been made to extend the service life of the KC-135.
    Brand: Minicraft Model Kits, Model: MI14708

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