Mind Reader Adjustable Height Ergonomic Foot Rest, Black

Mind Reader
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  • Helps to improve posture and circulation by keeping feet and legs elevated
  • Adjustable height to 3 positions
  • Non slip feet enhances overall stability
  • Ergonomic design supports your legs at your preferred angle of tilt

  • Adjustable Foot Rest Look no further than the Mind Reader adjustable footrest. Whether you're at work, at home, or anywhere in between, you can enjoy some nice relaxation! Enjoy extending your legs and getting off your feet. Being completely adjustable to multiple tilt angles and height settings, it allows you to find what is just right for you to relax comfortably. Adjustable Angles You are able to adjust the angles according to how tall you are and how you want to place your feet. Flat Design for Easy Storage Store your foot rest away with the easy flat design, no need to disassemble anything. Help Improve Posture Improve your posture with the placement of your feet flat on the foot rest. Rigid Edges The rigid edges allow your feet to grip onto the foot rest without slipping off.
    Brand: Mind Reader, Model: FTREST-BLK, Size: 1-Pack

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