Milescraft 1405 Crown45 Crown Molding Jig for Miter Saws

Milescraft Inc.
Out Of Stock


  • Innovative "right side up" cutting orientation - no more thinking upside down and backwards, cut crown molding the way it will be placed on the wall
  • Adjustable angle setting with angle finders included - cuts common molding spring angles
  • Indented cutting face for use with special dentil style detailed molding
  • Collapsible design for compact storage
  • Wide cutting surface handles all crown moldings between 2 and 5-1/2 inches

  • The Milescraft Crown 45 Molding Cutting Jig features innovative 'cut it the way you see it' orientation, supporting the crown molding on your miter saw fence just as it will be seen and installed on the wall - no more thinking 'upside down and backwards,' along with fewer wrong cuts and wasteful scraps. Cutting Range in. 2 to 5 1/2, Cutting Angles 38, 45, 52. Supports all crown molding between 2in. and 5 1/2in. wide with common molding spring angles of 38, 45 and 52 Included angle finders make it easy to determine the spring angle of your molding Accommodates special dentil-style detailed moldings Folds for easy storage in your workshop
    Brand: Milescraft Inc., Model: 1405, Color: Yellow, Size: 45

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