Mila Floral Crib Rail Guard by The Peanut Shell

The Peanut Shell
Out Of Stock


  • Crib rail guard protects your teething baby from harmful toxins while keeping the crib looking as good as new, free of teeth marks and drool discoloration
  • The soft, padded rail-guard securely and easily attaches to the crib with easy-to-tie tabs
  • Cute and contemporary floral damask print decorates the front in complementary shades of coral, aqua, honeysuckle, and lime; back showcases a white floral print on a coral background
  • Measures 50.25 by 17.5 inches to fit the long side of most cribs; made from 100% cotton sateen fabric; 100% polyester fill; machine wash and dry
  • Coordinating Mila crib bedding and nursery decorating accessories are available from The Peanut Shell to create your perfect nursery

  • Pretty in prints, the Mila rail guard by the peanutshell is as stylish as it safe. A long, padded panel drapes over the top rail to protect your baby and your crib from teething marks. A cute and contemporary damask print featuring coral, aqua, honeysuckle, and lime accents, dances along the white fabric. The back showcases a white floral print on a coral background. A 1" ruffle finishes the edge throughout. The panel folds over the top rail securing with 5 pairs of easy-to-tie tabs for quick and easy installation. 100% cotton; 100% polyester fiber batting. Machine wash cold, gentle cycle, with like colors.
    Brand: The Peanut Shell, Model: RGPS-MIL, Color: Blue/Green

    Custom Tab 01

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