MidWest Life Stages Folding Metal Dog Crate

MidWest Homes for Pets
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  • Double door metal dog crate, 48L x 30W x 33H inches
  • Includes free divider panel, leak-proof plastic pan, carrying handle, rubber feet to protect floors and a 1 year Manufacturer's Warrranty. We manufacture the iCrate and the Life Stages Dog Crate. The main difference is the Life Stages is made of heavier gauge steel and has a tighter wire mesh making it stronger than iCrate.
  • Two slide-bolt latches securely lock door in place
  • Dog crate folds flat for convenient storage, travel and portability
  • Strong and sturdy structual metal crate design creates a safe place for your pet while you're away

  • The Life Stages Double Door folding metal dog crate by MidWest Homes for Pets includes all of the features you will need to provide a convenient, safe and secure pet home for your best friend. This metal dog crate includes a free divider panel allowing you to adjust the size of the dog crate while your dog is still growing, a plastic leak-proof pan for easy clean-up in the event of an accident, a plastic carrying handle for easy portability and rubber “roller” feet on the bottom of the crate to protect your floors inside the home. The Life Stages Double Door metal dog crate configuration (with front and side door access) allows you to situate the dog crate to best fit your floor plan and folds down for convenient storage and portability. We at MidWest Homes for Pets understand that your dog is a part of your family and that's why we ensure our dog crates are manufactured with the highest quality control standards creating a safe home for your pet that you can feel confident with. MidWest Homes for Pets stands behind the quality of our products with a 1 Year Manufacturer's Warranty. If you have any questions about our dog crates our customer service department would be glad to help you. MidWest customer service can be contacted at: 1-800-428-8560, available 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday.
    Brand: MidWest Homes for Pets, Model: B0002AT3MO, Color: Satin Black E-Coat, Size: 48-Inch w/Divider

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