MidWest Homes for Pets Maxx Dog Bed for Metal Dog Crates

MidWest Homes for Pets
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  • Water resistant / odor resistant / stain resistant polyester dog bed. This pet bed is not meant for excessive chewers.
  • Durable dog bed for use w/ 42-inch dog crates & works great as a stand alone pet bed as well
  • Ideal pet bed for dogs between 71 to 90 pounds
  • Comfortable polyfiber-filled bolsters & cushioned base w/ "no-slip" grip on bottom of dog bed works great on hardwood/ tile floors
  • Easy maintenace extra tough dog bed, machine washable / dryer friendly pet bed. Includes 1-year Manufacturer's Warranty

  • The durable MAXX dog bed is made with a water resistant, stain resistant and odor resistant polyester fabric that makes care easy and keeps bedding dry. The overstuffed polyfiber-filled bolsters and cushioned base provides your pet with comfort during all seasons. All durable MAXX dog beds feature a "non-slip grip" surface on the bottom that's perfect for hardwood or tile floors. MAXX pet beds are machine washable / dryer safe and fit inside most standard dog crates creating a comfortable and desired location for your dog or cat to relax. Please note that the Maxx pet bed is not "chew proof" but is more durable and will hold up longer than most cotton / polyester fabric blended pet beds. If your dog is an excessive chewer, we suggest keeping a chew toy with your pet in the crate in hopes your dog will chew the toy and not the pet bed. MidWest Homes for Pets stands behind the quality of our products with a 1-Year Manufacturer's Warranty. If you have any questions regarding our dog beds or cat beds our customer service department would be glad to help you. MidWest customer service can be contacted at: 1-800-428-8560, available 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday EST.
    Brand: MidWest Homes for Pets, Model: 40542-BK, Color: Black, Size: 42-Inch

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