MICROanatomy Bone Structure Model A79-80 Times Enlarged, 7.5" Length x 5.7" Width x 10.2" Height

3B Scientific
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  • 80X life-size human bone structure model for anatomical study
  • Depicts three-dimensional section of lamellar bone, with typical structure of a tubular bone for effective demonstration
  • Displays various planes in cross and longitudinal section through all levels of bone, with two-plane section through bone marrow's inner structure for detailed examination
  • Designed to illustrate interplay of individual bone structure components for further study
  • Mounted on base for display

  • The 3B Scientific A79 80X life-size human bone structure model is used for anatomical study, and depicts a three-dimensional section of a lamellar bone, as well as the typical structure of a tubular bone, for effective demonstration. The model displays various planes in cross and longitudinal section through all levels of the bone, with a two-plane section through the bone marrow's inner structure for detailed examination. The A79 is designed to illustrate the interplay of the individual bone structure components, such as spongy and compact substance, endosteum, cortical substance, osteocytes, and volkmann and haversian canals, for further study. The model is mounted on a base for display, and measures 10.2 x 7.5 x 5.7 inches/26.0 x 19.0 x 14.5cm (L x W x H). (L is the horizontal distance from left to right; W is the horizontal distance from front to back; H is the vertical distance from the lowest to highest point.) Anatomical models are typically used as educational aids in medical and scientific classrooms and office settings.

    Science education products incorporate applied math and science principles into classroom and homeschool-based projects. Teachers in pre-K, elementary, and secondary classrooms use science education kits and products alongside science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum to demonstrate STEM concepts and real-world applications through hands-on activities. Science education projects include a broad range of activities, such as practical experiments in engineering, aeronautics, robotics, energy, chemistry, physics, biology, and geology.

    3B Scientific manufactures anatomical models, simulators, charts, and other training materials for use in scientific, medical, and patient education. Founded in 1948 and headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, 3B Scientific meets ISO 9001: 2008 standards.

    What's in the Box
  • MICROanatomy Bone Structure Model A79 - 80 Times Enlarged, 7.5 x 5.7 x 10.2 inches (L x W x H)
  • Instructions

  • Brand: 3B Scientific, Model: A79, Size: 80 Times Enlarged

    Custom Tab 01

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