Micca MB42X Bookshelf Speakers With 4-Inch Carbon Fiber Woofer and Silk Dome Tweeter (Black, Pair)

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  • Balanced Woven carbon fiber woofer for enhanced transient and impactful bass
  • High performance Silk dome tweeter for smooth treble and accurate imaging and Frequency Response: 60Hz-20kHz (Typical In-Room)
  • Highly optimized 12Db crossover with Zobel network and baffle step compensation
  • Ported enclosure delivers extended bass response with low distortion
  • Dramatically transformed sound signature that is incredibly open, balanced, and dynamic
  • Sensitivity: 85dB 1W/1M

  • The Micca MB42X builds on the success of the sensational Mb42 by significantly raising the performance bar while still taking up very little space and budget. Handsomely styled with classic contours and updated design cues, the MB42X is easy to place and blends into any room or decor. Its enhanced tonal balance and clarity makes it a great fit with a wide range of usage scenarios, from background music to home theater. The MB42X starts with the solid credentials of the Mb42: a compact ported enclosure Housing a balanced woven carbon fiber woofer delivering enhanced transient and impactful bass, and a high performance silk dome tweeter for smooth treble and accurate imaging. New for the MB42X is a highly optimized 12dB crossover with Zobel network and baffle step compensation. The result of painstaking fine tuning through balanced application of science and art, the New crossover yields a transformed sound signature that is incredibly open, balanced, and dynamic. Along with full size 5-way speaker wire binding posts and Hex fasteners, the MB42X has a magnetic grill system for added sophistication. The MB42X combines the trifecta of solid drivers, advanced crossover design, and optimized enclosure tuning at a shockingly low price. Hearing is believing, try them risk free in your home with your music. Place the MB42X along a wall or near a corner of the room for best results. They can be used on desks, book/wall shelves, or on speaker stands. If you are not absolutely delighted with the MB42X performance, simply Return them for a refund. Micca MB42X specifications: - woofer: 4" carbon fiber, rubber surround - tweeter: 0.75" silk dome - crossover: 12dB/Octave - enclosure: ported - frequency response: 60Hz-20kHz - impedance: 4-8 ohms - Sensitivity: 85dB 1W/1M - power handling: 75 watts (each) - dimensions: 9.5" (H) x 5.8" (w) x 6.5" (D)
    Brand: Micca, Model: MB42X, Color: black, Size: MB42X Advanced Bookshelf Speakers

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