Metropolitan Vacuum Cleaner Company, Inc VAC N BLO WITH TURBINE BRUSH - VM12500T

Metropolitan Vacuum Cleaner
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  • Housekeeping

  • Metro Vac N' Blo 500 Car Vacuum VM12500 110 Volts for AC outlets. The Metro Vac N' Blo 500 Car Vacuum is the featherweight champion of full-power suction. At just 3.5 lbs, this vac delivers.75 peak horsepower and 70 CFM. That makes it pound for pound the most powerful car vac and blower in the world! The Vac N' Blo 500 boasts sturdy steel construction and a black powder coat finish. And, the 12 ft heavy duty cord is long enough to reach nearby outlets with extra slack to spare. Complete 19 flexible hose and all the attachments you need, the Metro Vac N' Blo 500 is ready to fight the deepest down dirt. With 60 of water lift, this vac produces professional detailing results. Choose from wall outlet or cigarette lighter power. What's more, it's made with pride in the USA. Backed by Metro Vac's 5-year motor warranty.Metro Vac N' Blo 500 Car Vacuum VM12500 110 Volts for AC outlets. metro vac n blo 500 car vacuum - best price on metro vac 500 hand vacuums. Auto Detailing Supplies metro vac n blo 500 car vacuum best price on metro vac 500 hand vacuums. This vacuum's 500-watt state-of-the-art motor generates massive power. Extremely lightweight at just 3.5 lbs.. Boasts a staggering 60 of water lift for bone-dry results. Packs.75 peak horsepower and 70 CFM. All steel construction and black powder coat finish makes this vac sturdy. 12 ft heavy duty 2 conductor cord is long enough to easily reach the outlets in your garage. Complete with 19 flexible hose, crevice tool, dust brush, upholstery nozzle, 20 extension wand, shoulder strap, Magic Air inflator adaptor, and 5 extra reusable/disposable paper bags. Available with standard wall outlet plug or cigarette lighter power. Made with pride in the USA. Backed by Metro Vac's 5-year motor warranty..
    Brand: Metropolitan Vacuum Cleaner, Model: VM21500

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