Metabo WP9-115 Quick 8.5 Amp 10,500 rpm Angle Grinder with Non-locking Paddle Switch, 4 1/2"

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  • Metabo LongLife motor with up to 50% more torque for quicker material removal, up to 20% higher overload capacity
  • Suitable for AC/DC operation
  • Dead-man paddle switch function provides immediate shutdown of the motor when the paddle switch is released
  • Metabo S-Automatic safety slip clutch helps the user to maintain control if the accessory jams reducing the likelihood of kickback
  • Metabo Quick System: the fastest tool-free disc change system at the touch of a button

  • Engineered for a broad range of grinding, cutting and deburring applications, the 4.5" 900 Watt WP9-115 Quick compact angle grinder features a smaller, ergonomically designed body with integrated non-locking paddle switch for increased safety and more comfort, the quickest wheel change system available, and a tool-free quick-positioning guard that allows for fast change-over from grinding to cutting. The powerful Long Life 8.5 Amp, AC/DC, 10,500 rpm motor includes advanced designs to optimize air flow for cooler operation and extend longevity in harsh environments. The S-Automatic Safety Slip Clutch helps to prevent kick back if a disc or wheel should jam.
    Brand: Metabo, Model: WP9115, Size: 4 1/2"

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