Melissa & Doug Self-Correcting Letter and Number Wooden Puzzles Set With Storage Box

Melissa & Doug
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  • Self-correcting pieces illustrate letter sounds and counting groups for every letter or number.
  • Color pictures feature familiar objects to count and name.
  • Wooden storage boxes with slide-in lids
  • 92 wooden puzzle pieces in all
  • Great for matching, counting, and letter-recognition skills

  • Match the wooden puzzle pairs to master letters and numbers! These clever sets feature every letter of the alphabet and numbers 1–20, each with a matching puzzle piece to illustrate the concept behind the character. To encourage confidence and independent play, every cut within a set is unique—so each letter or number has only one counting group or vocabulary piece that will fit. Children love being able to correct their own work as they play, learn, and find the perfect fit for each letter and number tile!
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 8956

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