Melissa & Doug Jumbo Knob Wooden Puzzles - Shapes and Farm Animals

Melissa & Doug
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  • Colorful farm and geometric artwork
  • Extra-thick wooden puzzle features jumbo wooden knobs for easy grasping.
  • Bright colors and sweet illustrations of familiar objects.
  • Full-color, matching pictures appear underneath each piece.
  • A perfect activity to encourage hand-eye coordination and visual perception skills.

  • Extra-large wooden knobs make these the ideal first puzzles! Babies and toddlers will delight in their ability to grasp, lift, and manipulate the pieces as motor skills improve: They can clap them together, pat them on the oversize wooden puzzle board, or maneuver them into the correct recessed holes to complete the puzzle. The bright artwork and simple shapes are great for building communication skills, color- and shape-identification, and hand-eye coordination, too. There's no wrong way to play with these fabulous first puzzles, and lots of ways to learn!
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 3522

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