Melissa & Doug Farm Friends Hand Puppets (Set of 4) - Cow, Horse, Sheep, and Pig

Melissa & Doug
Out Of Stock


  • Four soft hand-puppets in a farm theme to spark imaginative play
  • Sized to fit adults and children
  • Soft stuffed-plush heads encourage cuddles
  • Washable fabric
  • Great for motor skills, hand-eye coordination, communication skills, self-confidence, and social-emotional connections

  • This four-piece hand-puppet set makes it easy for children and caregivers to role-play together! Four simple glove puppets in a coordinated theme can act out a scene together, or be used separately for simple puppet play. Either way, they are great for developing motor skills, hand-eye coordination, communication skills, self-confidence, parent-child bonding, and so much more! Made with brightly patterned, washable fabrics and built to last, these soft and sweet hand puppets are sure to be go-to toys for years to come. Farm Friends Hand Puppets includes a sheep, cow, pig, and horse.
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 9080, Color: Other, Size: Licensed Sport Product

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