Melissa & Doug 8500 Pilot Role Play Costume Dress -Up Set With Realistic Accessories, Jacket, Tie, Hat, Wings, Steering Yoke, Checklist, Ages 3-6 years

Melissa & Doug
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  • Airline pilot costume with steering yoke and reusable activity card.
  • Includes uniform jacket with shirtfront, hat, detachable necktie, flight wings, reusable activity card, and steering yoke.
  • Sturdy write-on card features pre-flight checklist and realistic route map.
  • Washable.
  • Promotes imagination, communication skills, and creative play.

  • Can a great role play set make imaginations take flight Roger that. This realistic pilot play set includes a steering yoke just like the one in real airplanes, and a uniform that's easy for kids to put on and take off all by themselves. The jacket has an attached shirt and self-stick tie, so pretend pilots can be ready for takeoff in no time! A reusable activity card adds to the fun with a pre-flight checklist and realistic route map, so young flyers can pick a destination, prepare their imaginary cockpit, and hit the runway to unlimited adventures! Set includes uniform jacket with shirtfront, hat, detachable necktie, flight wings, reusable pre-flight checklist, and steering yoke.
    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 8500, Color: Blue, Size: 27 x 18 x 1 Inch

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