Mega Bloks Farmhouse Friends Building Set

Mega Bloks
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  • Buildable farm with barn, farmhouse, fence, flip-and-reveal picture tabs, and doors and window that open
  • 43-piece set includes blocks, special parts, and big panels for building taller and faster
  • Comes with a rolling tractor and three Block Buddies, including a Farmer, Cow, and Chicken
  • Rebuild up to 2 feet tall!
  • Packaging may vary

  • Watch imagination grow when your little one builds a harvest adventure with the Farmhouse Friends by Mega Bloks! Build a busy barnyard for your friendly Farmer and adorable animal Block Buddies, using the blocks, special parts, and big building panels to create a farmhouse, barn, or anything else you dream up! Sit the Farmer in his bright red tractor and drive around the farm. Or roll on though one of the swinging doors, and have him visit the Chicken and Cow! Spark curiosity when you open up the windows to see who's on the other side, or flip up the special picture tabs to find the baby farm animals! Made for little hands and growing minds, you can rebuild the set, using the panels to build even taller and faster for even more fun on the farm! Ideal for ages 1 to 5.
    Brand: Mega Bloks, Model: DPJ57

    Custom Tab 01

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