Medicom The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man Miracle Action Figure DX Deluxe Set

SKU: EZFB00J2N6528
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  • From Medicom Toy
  • Based on 2014's The Amazing Spider-Man 2
  • The most dynamic and detailed 6" figure on the market
  • Includes magnetized wall, unmasked head and numerous accessories
  • Recreates actor Andrew Garfield in his costume from the film

  • From MEDICOM Toy. Based on this summer's highly-anticipated new The Amazing Spider-Man 2 film, Medicom's Amazing Spider-Man Miracle Action Figure is the most dynamic and detailed 6" figure on the market! This figure recreates Andrew Garfield in his costume from the new film and expands on the Asia-only MAF EX release in a new deluxe set. Accessories include a magnetized wall for Spidey to climb on, an additional "unmasked" Peter Parker head, bullhorn, manhole cover, skateboard and cell phone accessories and webbing to wrap up every member of the Sinister Six!
    Brand: Medicom, Model: FEB148328, Color: Multi-colored

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