Maytag M400 Speed Heat Steam Iron & Vertical Steamer with Stainless Steel Sole Plate, Self Cleaning Function Thermostat Dial

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  • HEATS FASTER: Maytag's M400 Iron reaches max temperature in less than a minute, much faster than traditional irons. Plus, it only takes 3 seconds for steam to regenerate - the anti-wrinkle spray, removes wrinkles faster and the stainless steel sole plate smooths effortlessly
  • VERTICAL STEAM: The Maytag M400 is not JUST for ironing, now you can steam out wrinkles on your hanging garments too, with the vertical steam function - ergonomic soft touch grip provides the perfect balance and comfort for upright use
  • PRECISION THERMOSTAT: Iron specialty fabrics - Linen, Cotton, Silk, Wool, Nylon, or Synthetic; simply turn the dial for a precise temperature and ironing becomes quick and effortless for ALL your fabrics.
  • SELF-CLEANING: The best part, this iron will self-clean! With an anti-calc and anti-scale function, your iron will remain in pristine condition use after use
  • INCLUDES: 1500w; 8.1oz tank capacity, 360-degree swivel 8ft cord, and backed by a manufacturer's 2-year warranty

  • With over 50 years of dependability, Maytag has become synonymous with quality and lasting products. This Maytag Speed Heat iron steamer delivers our best commercial performance right in your home. With features like 1500 watts, 360 degree tangle free cord, 3-way auto shut off, and a stainless steel soleplate, this iron will give you great results. It heats in 55 seconds both fast and consistently, allowing for the perfect crisp shirt or pants every time. Backed by a 2-year manufacturer's warranty, we know you will see the Maytag difference.
    Brand: Maytag, Model: M400, Color: Grey, Size: M400 - SpeedHeat

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