Maxi-cure pocket ca thick 3/4o Bob Smith Ind.

Bob Smith Ind Glue
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  • Maxi-Cure Extra Thick .75oz Pocket CA Adhesive Glue

  • BSI135 Maxi-Cure Extra Thick .75oz Pocket CA Adhesive Glue by Bob Smith Ind Maxi-Cure Extra Thick .75oz Pocket CA Adhesive Glue by Bob Smith Ind MAXI-CURE extra thick CA is the best CA for most plastics, including GEs Lexan MAXI-CURE is the best choice for plastic model assembly. When used with INSTA-SET, it works better than any putty for modifying or filling voids. It can be carved with a knife or razor blade and sanded and feathered to form a finish indistinguishable from plastic. MAXI-CURE bonds fiberglass, hardwood, metal and rubber better than any other hobby adhesive. For gluing to the inside, clothtextured surface of fiberglass, scrape the area to be bonded with a razor blade or coarse sandpaper before using MAXI-CURE or any other adhesive. It also is best for bonding the tires for R/C cars. BSI has introduced a new 3/4 oz. size for our cyanoacrylates. The Pocket CAs feature a new top that has a pin built into the cap that covers the nozzle. This pin seals the bottle so that if it is tipped over, the bottle will not leak. This makes the Pocket CAs ideal for keeping in your tool or field box, just like our IC-Gel. One disadvantage that the new Pocket CA top has is the bluntness of the nozzle. This makes it more difficult to apply small amounts of the CA, especially in tight places. From the feedback we have received, it appears about 25-30% of users prefer the new Pocket CA top, which means that over 70% prefer our standard top for general bonding purposes. Most users are buying both types. Our original top for the workshop, and the Pocket CA for use out in the field. The 3/4 oz. Pocket CAs are available in BSIs Insta-Cure, Insta-Cure, Maxi-Cure and Super-Gold. BSIs new extender tip #304 works on the Pocket CA and all our other tops.
    Brand: Bob Smith Ind Glue

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