MAX NF565/16 SuperFinisher 16 Ga Finish Nailer

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  • Weighs only 3.5lbs, and has a slim body
  • Selectable fire mechanism, easy jam clearance
  • Includes belt hook, and no-mar contact tip
  • Easy twist adjustable exhaust deflector
  • Switchable fire mechanism tool can be single or contact fire with a switch of a lever.
  • This tool is the most powerful tool in it's class will shoot into harder woods.
  • Applications include door and window casing, cabinet assembly, finish work, case back, furniture assembly

  • Max USA NF565A/16 SuperFinisher 16 Gauge Straight Finish Nailer. Most powerful in its class. Lightweight-only 3.5 lbs & Slim body. Compact and well balanced body. Easily reaches tight spot. Selectable fire mechanism. The tool can be contact or single fired with switch lever. Dial adjustable depth control. Dial depth control requires no special tools. Dial adjustable depth control. Dial depth control requires no special tools. Belt hook. Easy jam clearance system. Easy twist adjustable exhaust deflector. Exhaust air can easily be diverted 360 away from user without any tool.
    Brand: Max, Model: NF565A/16, Color: Red

    Custom Tab 01

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