Mattel Games Pictionary Team Relay Game

Mattel Games
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  • Bring the irresistible game of drawing and guessing to your next party!
  • Pictionary Team Relay presents added challenges and culturally relevant clues so that kids are having fun and learning at the same time
  • To be successful, players must rely on good teamwork and communication, yet sharing laughs is just as enjoyable as winning the game itself!
  • Includes 50 cards with over 750 clues, sand timer, card spinner and instructions
  • Fun for the whole family!

  • The irresistible game of drawing and guessing just got even more exciting! Pictionary Team Relay game brings everyone together as your team tries to draw and guess 4 CLUES in 1 MINUTE! Multiple teammates draw on every turn as you pass the Disc Holder from one player to another in a race to beat the clock. Strong teamwork and communication is key – but sharing laughs together is the reward! Includes 50 cards with over 750 clues, sand timer, card spinner and instructions. Ages 8 and older.
    Brand: Mattel Games, Model: CFV57

    Custom Tab 01

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