Matchbox Treasure Truck Metal Detector

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  • Rugged, large-scale truck with a real working metal detector
  • Push the antenna down to emit a detection signal and start the hunt!
  • When metal is detected, the detection signal changes
  • Use the sifter scoop to separate soil or sand so only the treasure remains
  • For indoor or outdoor play with a durable design and real rolling wheels

  • A rugged, large-scale truck equipped with a real working metal detector, the Matchbox Treasure Truck raises the bar on exploration by taking the hunt below ground. Activate the truck by pushing the antenna down, which will emit a detection signal and once the truck is roving along a surface, the hunt is on! As the Treasure Truck detects metal, the detection signal will change, and the treasure is ready to be dug up! Grab the scoop and dig deep until the metal is found, using the sifter scoop to separate soil or sand so that only the treasure remains. When the hunt is over, simply raise the antenna to turn off until the next mission begins. Suitable for indoor and outdoor play with a durable design and equipped with real rolling wheels, the Treasure Truck will detect, dig and discover adventure! Each sold separately, subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary.
    Brand: Matchbox, Model: DJH50, Color: Multicolor, Size: 16.50 x 7.50 x 10.00 Inches

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