Limited edition top chips kit by Mastrad: includes tray, mandolin and recipe booklet
Made of premium silicone, crisp vegetables and fruits crisp up without use of fats or oils
Interlocking trays allow the use of multiple trays at once to cook more than one serving at a time
A healthier alternative to store-bought chips and crisps
Product is for microwave use only; hand wash or top rack dishwasher safe
Create healthy chips and crispy snacks in minutes-all in your microwave with the limited edition top chips kit. Crispy chips and snacks are achieved without any oils or fats, cooking up light and crispy, all with the use of your microwave. So many vegetables and fruits contain valuable vitamins and minerals that we miss out on because we don't like the limited ways we know to prepare them. With the top chips maker-you can add healthy nutrients to your diet in a fun and delicious way-without all the harmful preservatives you find in pre-packaged versions of your favorite crisp snacks. To use, just slice potatoes, or other fruits and vegetables thinly and evenly. Place in a single layer on the top chips tray, and microwave according to enclosed directions. Season with your favorite topping and voila. You have a healthy, delicious snack that you will feel good about serving to your children and guests. Stack multiple trays to cook more than one serving at a time. A fun way for kids to experiment and try different vegetables and fruits they may not be used to. The top chips maker is designed for even the smallest of microwaves, perfect for small microwaves such as those found in RVs, dorm rooms and apartments-you can use your top chips everywhere. Set includes one top chips tray, one mandolin slicer, one recipe book and instruction booklet. Hand wash or top-rack dishwasher-safe. Made by Mastrad, the makers of innovative and award-winning kitchen products loved the world-over. Brand: Mastrad, Model: A64664, Color: Black, Size: 12 in. x 12 in.
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