Affordable High Performance Solutions Installer Series is our affordable high-performance lineup, featuring custom installation solutions for in-wall, in-ceiling and outdoor applications.
Titanium dome tweeters and mineral-filled polypropylene drivers ensure great performance, while bezel-free paintable grilles that are secured with high-strength magnets provide and aesthetic that blends invisibly into any room.
Each model comes with an extremely robust mounting-lock system that couples with the speaker's vibration-resistance ABS chassis when installed.
Impedance - 4 Ohms. Compatible with 4, 6 or 8 ohm rated amplifiers
Single Speaker - Sold Individually - Purchase Two for a Pair.Authorized Dealer. Warranty and award-winning customer service.
Martin Logan's Installer series offer an affordable solution to a high performance speaker need. The ML-66i can handle the 70 watts per channel, is compatible with 4, 6 and 8 ohm rated amplifiers making it ideal for whole home audio system, or home theater surround. The magnetic grille allows the speaker to virtually disappear into the ceiling around it, only protruding 0.2 inches. Brand: MartinLogan, Model: Martin Logan ML66i | Installer Series
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