Manhattan Toy Snuggle Pod Hunny Bunny First Baby Doll with Cozy Sleep Sack for Ages 6 Months and Up

Manhattan Toy
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  • Ultra-soft and silky fabrics make this first baby doll hard to put down
  • Snuggle pod includes removable soft doll and snuggly satin-lined pod
  • Tactile cloth doll adorned with embroidered details and durably constructed from high quality plush fabrics
  • This soft snuggle toy is perfect for little arms to hold; Honey Bunny encourages development of nurturing skills
  • Baby toy for ages 6 months and up; measures 9.5" tall

  • Being little is all about discovering the world around you. The innovative designs and research-proven developmental features of Manhattan Toy products will engage, stimulate and nurture your child's imagination. Part of the Snuggle Pod collection of plush baby dolls, this super soft gender-neutral Honey Bunny soft doll includes a removable pod - a satin-lined bunny sleep sack. Babies and toddlers will love toting and tucking in their own adorable first baby doll, fostering the development of nurturing skills. Since 1979, Manhattan Toy has been making award-winning, high quality, developmental toys for your baby, toddler or kid. From incredibly soft plush toys to baby dolls and doll accessories, our goal is to provide the safest and best toys available. All of our products, from the newest concepts to our time-tested classics, are innovatively designed to inspire imaginative play and are routinely safety tested to pass strict CPSC, ASTM, EN71 and Health Canada safety standards.
    Brand: Manhattan Toy, Model: 209360, Color: Hunny Bunny, Size: Size

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