Manhattan Toy Skwish Classic Rattle and Teether Grasping Activity Toy

Manhattan Toy
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  • Classic wooden clutching motor skill and baby toy for ages 0 months and up
  • Skwish is easy for little hands to grasp while rattling the beads that slide back and forth on dowels
  • Wood construction with elastic ties allow rattle and teether to flatten, or "Skwish", and always return to its original shape
  • Baby rattle and teether carefully constructed of sustainable wood with a non-toxic, water based finish
  • Skwish rattles and teethers from Manhattan Toy have been an awarding winning favorite of both babies and parents for over 35 years!

  • Since 1979, Manhattan Toy has been making award-winning, high quality, educational toys for your baby, toddler or kid. From baby toys and toddler toys to wooden toys and activity centers, our goal is to provide the safest and best toys available. All of our products, from the newest concepts to our time-tested classics, are innovatively designed to inspire imaginative play and are routinely safety tested to pass strict CPSC, ASTM, EN71 and Health Canada safety standards.
    Brand: Manhattan Toy, Model: 200980

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