Malco TSHD Turboshear Heavy-Duty

SKU: EZFB0002894R0
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  • Made in the USA
  • Replaceable blades
  • Turns your power drill into a heavy duty power shear
  • Inserts into the chuck of a 14.4 volt or larger A/C or cordless drill
  • Capacity to cut 18 gauge galvanized steel and 20-gauge spiral duct
  • Navigates tight patterns and square cuts
  • Clamping devise is included

  • The telescoping drill clamp fits drills and impact drivers large and small-including newer lithium-ion models. The recent redesign allows the tool to rotate 360-degrees and lock into position. The adjustment wrench now stores with the tool, preventing loss. The hex shank drive shaft attaches directly into the chuck of any drill or impact driver. The TSHD navigates tight patterns and square cuts while cutting a variety of building materials. The TSHD cuts straight and to the left all while making fast cuts in material thickness up to 18-gauge galvanized steel. Cutting applications include ferrous and non-ferrous sheet metals, metal roofing/building panels, vinyl, steel mesh, ductwork, and even the thick metal of furnace jackets, equipment enclosures or automotive body panels. Replacement blade TSHDRB.
    Brand: Malco, Model: TSHD, Color: Multi, Size: 1-(Pack)

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