Maisto R/C 1:24 Scale 1967 Ford Mustang GT Radio Control Vehicle (Colors/ Mhz May Vary)

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  • Officially Licensed Remote-controlled car
  • Built to 1:24 scale with authentic styling and modifications
  • Dashboard-style R/C controller with multiple frequencies
  • Left-right and forward-reverse steering
  • Requires two AA batteries for the vehicle and two AA batteries for the controller

  • Xzibit doesn't have to pimp this ride for sure. Maisto - well-known manufacturer for their highly detailed die-cast models, introduces their first line of luxury RC vehicles. Maisto Pro Rodz RC Series is really "luxurious" or as they say "bling bling" If Snoop Dogg was 8 years old, he'd definitely be flossing this ride. To describe the how detailed Maisto 1:24 scale Pro Rodz Series RC vehicle is like trying to describe that bitter sweet taste in your mouth after biting into a new flavor of skittles. It's sorta hard to describe in words. You have to actually see how flawlessly detailed this vehicle is. It's so awesomely detailed, it can just look pretty in a display case. You might just possibly keep it inside of it's packaging but what's fun in that. You gotta take this baby out for a ride and make your neighbors' RC cars look like it's from a thrifty store. Absolutely everything you need to race out-of-the-box is included. Fully installed RC equipment with batteries. It comes with a Dash Console Design Transmitter. Maisto Playerz Luxury Series RC vehicle is perfect for both novice and advanced RC enthusiasts. It also makes a perfect collector's item. Requires: 3 x AA Battery (Not included) and 1 x 9v Battery (Not included).
    Brand: Maisto, Model: 81061, Color: Red

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