The corners of all the cubes are rounded and that makes for very smooth operation
The cubes come in 3 colors, the wood is beautiful and it is well finished and has an excellent finish
There is no difficulty in taking it apart (actually stretching the cube into a snake) but will take patience to put it back into cube shape again
Even after you know how to do it: The challenge remains to compete with oneself or others to see who can "do it' the fastest"
MAGIKON is a registered trademark(serial number: 86934971)
You are looking at a Kongming Luban lock cube toy which can bring you lots of fun and puzzle. Made of 27 painted dices linked by a rope and the dices can be twisted. This Kong Ming lock cube wooden puzzle toy can exercise fingers, develop patience and intelligence a great toy fits for all ages. Brand: MAGIKON, Model: 00021
Custom Tab 01
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