Maasdam Pow'R Pull 144S-6 1 Ton Capacity Pow'R Pull USA Made

SKU: MIDB00004Y68W
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Brand Maasdam
Model 144S-6
Size 12' 3/16 In Cable

  • It is easy to use
  • It is highly durable
  • Proudly Made in USA
  • 1 Ton Capacity USA Made Pow'R Pull with 3/16" diameter cable.12' Maximum Lift.
  • Precision Fit, Steel Alloy Pawls & 1 Piece, Aluminum Alloy Ratchet Wheel provides safety & dependability.
  • Notch-At-A Time Let for Positive control, trouble free let down
  • OSHA Recommended Safety Latches - Hooks stay connected.
  • Non-Slip Plastic Grip provides permanent, comfortable use and reduces hand fatigue

  • Precision-cast aluminum alloy ratchet wheel; one piece construction galvanized, aircraft quality cable. Interlocking, precision fit, steel alloy pawls with safety spacer sleeve. Cold rolled, high strength, tempered steel frame and handle drop-forged steel slip hooks with OSHA Recommended safety latches. Heavy gauge steel, reinforced ratchet guard. Aircraft-type, heat treated bolts. High tensile strength, full rotating steel swivel. Trouble free, Notch-At-A-Time" letdown. Permanent, comfortable, non-slip grip. Safety factor 2:1. Cable diameter 3/16". SPECIFICATIONS: No.144SB-6 Maximum lift 6', and leverage 30:1. No.144S-6 Maximum lift 12', and leverage 15:1.

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