LUNETTE is designed with you in mind - so effortlessly comfy, you won't miss out on your favorite activities every month. And now you don't have to miss out on having your favorite cup in your favorite color! The stylish pouch holds your cup, and fits conveniently into your handbag. Lunette lives where you do: in your home or your handbag, so 'tampon runs' are a thing of the past. Love life, and love Lunette - for nicer periods, no strings attached!
LUNETTE Cup Model 1 is our choice for menstruators with light to moderate flow, or who are younger, or have not experienced intercourse. All Lunette menstrual cups are soft and pliable, however, Lunette Cup Model 1 is made of softer silicone than Lunette Cup Model 2.
MADE IN FINLAND of the highest medical-grade, FDA approved silicone.
SAFE - wear it up to 12 hours and overnight!
You've made a wise choice by choosing Lunette menstrual cup! Before you begin using your cup, let's run through some basics to get you acquainted with your new device. Before first use, check that the air holes at the top of your cup are open. Wash your hands and clean the Lunette cup by washing with water and a mild soap. Then boil it in a large pot for 20 minutes before first use. TIP: Place the cup in a wire whisk to prevent contact with the bottom of the pan during boiling, which could damage the cup. Brand: Lunette, Model: BV0005, Color: Clear, Size: Model 1 (for light to normal flow)
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