Luna Optics LN-DM2-C monocular is one of the most compact and lightweight products in its category and now comes standard with full-color display allowing you to see more and better than ever before at this price point. Featuring all-digital operation (no tube inside), this product can be used day and night without fear of burning the internal components in bright light. The built-in powerful IR illuminator allows user to peak into the darkest corners at nighttime and separate brightness control allows to fine-tune the image depending on the available light and preserve the battery power in well-lit conditions. LN-DM2-C features large full color display for more comfortable viewing and comes with variable brightness wheel, plus ambidextrous one touch power and IR illuminator push button which come with individual light indicators. Attractive duo tone rubberized body finish is pleasant to the touch and provides secure grip. Monocular comes with the carry case allowing shoulder or belt carry and the attached wrist strap. Brand: Luna Optics, Model: LN-DM2-C
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