A great starting point to help you develop the skills needed to explore an array of flash techniques
SoftBox III is roughly 20 times the size of the flash itself for softer shadows
Includes the UltraStrap, the most secure non-adhesive mounting strap on the market.
Included in the Strobist Kit are some of the most popular "go-to" items of David Hobby, aka "The Strobist", the SoftBox III and the Fxtra, a nine-Piece colored gel kit This kit is a great starting point to help you develop the skills needed to explore an array of flash techniques. The SoftBox III is roughly 20 times the size of the flash itself for softer shadows and the FXtra a 9-Piece colored gel kit including those for balancing your flash for tungsten and fluorescent light. In addition, to attach your accessories to your flash, we've included two UltraStraps which apply a constant 3 lbs. of pressure to the flash for a secure fit, all of this fits neatly in a convenient storage wallet. Brand: LumiQuest, Model: LQ-132, Color: Black
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