Lumi Sunfold Printing Kit

Lumi Co.
SKU: EZFB00K0B0630
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  • Kit contains: 1 Inkodye Red 8oz bottle; 1 Inkodye Blue 8oz bottle; 1 Inkowash Detergent 8oz bottle; 2 pairs of black nitrile gloves, Instructions
  • Inkodye is an amazing new way to print t-shirts and textiles. Its color develops and binds permanently when exposed to bright sunlight or UV
  • Inkodye is the only water-based dye of its kind. It does not use PVC, toxic solvents, iron or silver in its formula
  • Step-by-Step online video workshop taught by founder Jesse Genet

  • Harness the sun to create elegant patterns on any natural fabric. This kit takes the hassle out of tie-dye, with sunlight-activated Inkodye and simple step-by-step instructions. Ideal for groups, this kit makes at least 16 prints (12x12 inches). You can also dilute Inkodye with up to 10 parts water to extend its power and create pastel shades. Inkodye is a new water-based dye that develops and fixes magically in sunlight, making it easier than ever to personalize your home and wardrobe. Inkodye is permanent on any natural fabric such as cotton, rayon, linen, canvas, silk, and more. Results are soft to the touch and can be machine-washed without fading. Colors are fully mixable and do not require soda ash or other fixatives. The kit also provides free access to an online video workshop with Lumi founder, Jesse Genet. DIRECTIONS: Soak fabric with Inkodye in a bowl or bucket. Scrunch or fold fabric using included pattern ideas. Expose to sunlight for 10-20 minutes or until color reaches full saturation. Machine wash using Inkowash detergent to remove unexposed dye. Double your exposure time in overcast weather.
    Brand: Lumi Co., Model: 0858093003053

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