This handy bundle of 1 dram size of 12 flavors includes APPLE APRICOT BANANA CREAM BLACKBERRY BLACK CHERRY BLUEBERRY CRANBERRY GRAPE MANGO MELON RASPBERRY STRAWBERRY These Super Strength Flavors and Essential Oils are 3 to 4 times stronger than typical alcohol-based extracts. A little goes a long way. Our most concentrated type of flavoring. These intense and exceptionally versatile flavors are all appropriate for the higher temperature demands of hard candy making but can also be used to flavor just about anything. Hard candy and confections such as cake pops, fudges, marshmallows, and brittle. Most flavors are appropriate in chocolates and all baked goods such as cakes, cookies, muffins, frosting and fondant (use 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per 1 cup butter or fat) and ice cream and frozen dairy. Our flavors are used by professional candy makers, bakeries, pastry chefs, popcorn shops, ice cream and yogurt shops, specialty manufacturers and, of course, the home consumer. All of our flavors are gluten-free, and are Kosher Certified. Brand: Lorann
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