38 hooks that can hold 300 pieces and beautifully organize your whole collection of jewelry
Longstem displayed your jewelry so you can see all your jewelry at a glance
Longstem provides easy accessibility to earrings, bracelets, watches, rings, pins and necklaces
Constructed of heavy duty white baked on powder coated carbon steel
Check out our men's organizer 9200 which is built to last
The Longstem white over the door/wall organizer is attractive enough to hang on a bedroom wall, inside a closet or hang over any door. Our Longstem organizer includes two door mounts and two wall mounts and a removable plastic tray with six compartments. Hardware included. 99% positive feedback. Longstem, the mark of quality, beware of cheap imitations. Check out our men's organizer 9200 in black and 9300 in white. Brand: Longstem Organizers, Model: 5100, Color: White
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