Lomography Ringflash

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  • Completely surrounds lens and throws a burst of perfectly even light onto your subject
  • Fantastic close-up portraits with a signature look
  • Solid color gels and multiple color gels can be used to toss colored light
  • Plastic adapters for use with Lomography Fisheye, Fisheye 2, LC-A, LC-A,Diana, and Holga (Color Flash or with hotshoe)
  • Includes hotshoe sync cord and editorial booklet

  • When mounted onto your camera, the Ringflash completely surrounds you lens and throws a burst of perfectly even light onto your subject ¿ making for fantastic close-up portraits with a signature look. Skin is radiant, eyes have circular reflections, and crazy shadow effects are traced around your subject when they¿re against a wall. Solid color gels and multiple color gels can be used to toss colored light and create seriously groudbreaking and unique images ¿ including shots with four distinct and totally mind-blowing colors! Plastic adapters are included to use the Ringflash with the following Lomography cameras: Fisheye, Fisheye 2, LC-A, LC-A,Diana & Holga (Color Flash or with Hotshoe). Includes hotshoe sync cord and editorial booklet.
    Brand: Lomography, Model: Ringflash, Color: black

    Custom Tab 01

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