Snoot modifier AND Lightsphere Collapsible Speed Mount included
Precisely control light with included Grid insert
Collapses for easy storage
Create beautifully soft light with the diffuser by itself
Warm the color temperature of your flash by the 1/2 CTO filter
The black lining of the SnootSkin blocks light from spilling through the sides of the flash, allowing light to be isolated and directed precisely. For more precise spot lighting, a grid insert is included for an even tighter beam. Directional beam lighting is essential for hair lighting or creating a spot light for a dramatic effect. The system is designed to hold color inserts inside a built-in slot that holds up to five colors. Color Inserts can be combined to create a wide palette of color choices. The current available colors are Red, Green, Blue, and Warming Filters in full CTO (color temperature orange) and half CTO. The color kit also includes an 18% gray tab for precise custom white balance. The SnootSkin, like the Lightsphere Collapsible, folds into a flat disk for easy storage. Brand: Gary Fong, Model: Lightsphere SnootSkin
Custom Tab 01
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