Light Efficient Design LED-8033E42K HID LED Retrofit Lighting 38-watt UL Rated Light Bulb

Light Efficient Design
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  • Ballast bypass compact design delivers broad, even light distribution when retrofitted into HID post top Fixtures
  • Easy to install, reliable retrofits provide an energy savings up to 80%. rotatable E26 base Insures that light output is directed to where it is needed
  • Safety rated and heat tested within fully enclosed Fixtures from -40 to 122F ambient temperatures
  • 35W LED replaces metal halide (MH) or high pressure sodium (mps) high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps up to 175W
  • Advanced active cooling technology delivers consistently higher LED efficacy and life when placed within enclosed Fixtures. Integrated 6Ka surge

  • Product Features• Enclosed Fixture Safe: Up to 122 degrees F• UL1598C: Fixture retains original UL after retrofitting on all Mogul and 120V medium base• Dual Stage MOV Protection: Safe from common surges• Fan Temperature Control: Resulting in longer, brighter life• Potted Driver: Protects electronics against moisture and vibration• Low "Noise" Interference: Passes FCC testing• Best Quality LED Chips: Certified with 80 CRI• Damp Rated: Able to withstand humid environments• Particle Protection: Keeps particles and bugs away from critical components• Multi-Directional Mounting: Retrofits can be mounted base up, down or horizontal• Pretested Drivers: Burnt in 3 times before shipping to ensure quality• 5-Year Limited Warranty Specifications• Voltage: 120-277V• Wattage: 35W• Brightness: 5467 Lumens• Color Temperature: 4000 Kelvin• CRI: 83.7• Socket: E26• Light Color: Natural White• Light Distribution: Omni-directional / 360 degrees• Item Weight: 1.02 lbs.• Operating Temperature: -40 degrees F to 122 degrees F• Dimensions: 8.3" X 3.3"• Certification: UL• Led Life: 50,000 hours More Information and Recommendation• We strongly recommend that these LED lights be installed by a licensed electrician.• The ballast needs to be bypassed or removed before installing.• This LED light is not dimmable.
    Brand: Light Efficient Design, Model: LED-8033E42

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