Lew Electric PUFP-CT-SS-2USB Countertop Box, Pop Up w/15A & Single Power/2 USB Receptacle - Stainless Steel

Lew Electric
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  • DIMENSIONS - 4-7/8" W x 4-3/4" L x 3-1/2" H.
  • INSTALLATION OPTIONS - Installs In Kitchen Countertops, Desk Tops, Tables, and Similar Surfaces. See product description for additional dimensions.
  • TAMPER RESISTANT - All PUFP Style Supplied With Tamper Resistant Receptacles.
  • USB CHARGING - Features Two USB Charging Ports And Two 15 amp Power Receptacles.
  • EASY TO USE - Pops Up When In Use, Hides In The Box When Not In Use.

  • The Lew Electric PUFP-CT-2USB features two USB charging ports and two 15 amp power receptacles to handle your power and charging needs. The 2 USB charging ports share 3.6A and are smart ports, they automatically adjust to your device to charge the perfect amount. The box has a waterproof gasket under the bezel to keep water out, tamper proof outlets, and is ETL listed; perfect for kitchens.

    Keep your laptop and phone always charged with the PUFP-CT-2USB. To open simply push the button and hold till it is full open and the latch will will keep it locked in the tilted position so you can plug in your power, to close push the button again and push shut till it latches.

    The PUFP-CT-2USB is an economical table box that can be used in a variety of settings where you need power and USB charging ports including; conference tables, waiting areas, kitchens, bars, and much more. Installation is easy and allows this to be installed almost anywhere on any table surface, simply cut your hole and drop the box in and secure with 2 screws.

    Additional Dimensions:

    Bezel size:  4 7/8" x 4 11/16"

    Cutout size:  4 1/16" x 4 1/16"

    Depth under counter:  3 1/8"

    Back box dimensions:  3 15/16" x 4"

    Works in counter thickness 1/2" to 2"

    Brand: Lew Electric, Color: Stainless Steel, Size: 2 Outlet | 2 USB

    Custom Tab 01

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