Leviton MO240-1SW 100-Amp Mini Meter Kit with 2 Solid CTs and Outdoor Enclosure

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  • Measures kWh
  • Utilizes revenue-grade 0.3% accuracy class 0.1A secondary solid core current transformers (CTs) that conform to all applicable ANSI requirements
  • Up to three sets of CTs per phase can be paralleled per meter without the need for a meter multiplier
  • NEMA 4X indoor/outdoor enclosure
  • Ten year warranty

  • The Leviton Mini Meter line of revenue-grade meters meets all measurement and verification-based opportunities - including load management and LEED rating achievement. Designed to provide a simple and effective process for accurately capturing measurements of power consumption, Mini Meters are easy to specify and install for new construction and retrofits. Leviton meters utilize highly accurate current transformers for revenue-grade performance certified to ANSI standards. Competing products use current sensors that do not provide the same level of performance. Leviton offers CTs in solid and split core styles to accommodate all phases of installation and construction. Solid core CTs are ideal for new construction, when power is not live and wires can easily be threaded through the core. Split core CTs can be installed at any time without having to disconnect wire terminations, making them the optimal choice for retrofitting an existing structure. Split core CTs close securely for fast, precise installation with no need for time-consuming tie wraps and no worries about improper seating or core half separation. Both solid and split core CTs offer high quality, long term accuracy and reliability. Every Mini Meter has an installer-friendly feedback feature. The red reverse phase indicator acts as an installation diagnostics tool and illuminates if a meter is improperly installed. After installation, the green duty cycle light shows that the meter is collecting electric consumption data at the appropriate rate. All 100 and 200 Amp solid core CTs have color-coded labels to easily identify and correctly land the wires at the meter. Use Mini Meters in multi-tenant residential and certain commercial industrial applications for load profiling and benchmarking, AMR/BAS/BMS/EMS integration, Usage aggregation, tenant cost allocation, measurement and verification, energy conservation and cost reduction, green building initiatives and Government mandates.
    Brand: Leviton, Model: MO240-1SW, Size: 100-Amp

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