Leviton 39A00-1 Phase Coupler

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  • Only products shipped and sold by Amazon.com (not third-party sellers) are eligible for full warranty and technical support offered by Leviton
  • Compatible with Leviton's Home Lighting Control system
  • LED lights up when working properly
  • Boosts signal throughout home automation system
  • Install near the breaker box to provide the most efficient coupling

  • Home Lighting Control (HLC) is for single phase 120/240-volt, 60-Hz systems. The HLC Phase Coupler mounts by the circuit breaker box and is used to connect the signal from L1 to L2 within the circuit breaker box. Although HLC is extremely robust and less susceptible to powerline conditions, HAI by Leviton recommends the use of a Phase Coupler in every HLC installation. The Phase Coupler increases the speed and reliability of the entire system.
    Brand: Leviton, Model: 39A00-1, Color: WHITE

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