Levenhuk "Reach for the Sun" Growth Chart glossy paper scale in inches and centimeters

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  • Measuring scale in inches and centimeters.
  • Size: 9" x 39" (22x100 cm)
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs (0.04 kg)
  • Warranty: 2 years

  • "Reach for the Sun" Levenhuk Growth Chart English package ID: 59647.

    Our children grow so fast that sometimes we forget to notice that. That's why we created this "Reach for the Sun" Levenhuk Growth Chart to make sure that you won't miss how your baby becomes stronger and bigger with each day.

    The Levenhuk Growth Chart is printed on a beautiful, high-quality glossy paper so when you hang it on the wall you will see that it's not only practical, but also a great decoration for your child's room. The Solar System Planets are situated on the chart according to their distance from the sun.

    Along the way, your child will learn names of the planets and how far they are from the center of the Solar System.

    Features: Size: 9x39 in (22x100 cm) Measuring scale in inches and centimeters

    Brand: Levenhuk, Model: 34755, Color: Purple

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