LEGO Technic 42009 Mobile Crane MK II

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  • 2 models in 1: rebuilds into a container stacker and truck ; Includes 8882 LEGO Power Functions XL-Motor and 8881 LEGO Power Functions Battery Box
  • Features LEGO Power Functions motor-powered extending outriggers, lowering feet, extending or raising crane arm and retractable winch
  • Also includes a rotating superstructure, 8-wheel drive, 5 axles, 10 wheels and a detailed V8 motor with moving pistons
  • Extend the crane arm over 30" into the air! Measures (with retracted crane arm and outriggers) over 8" high, 23" long and 5" wide
  • Container stacker measures over 20" high with boom fully extended, 19" long and 7" wide ; Container truck measures over 3" high, 11" long and 3" wide

  • Get ready for the biggest, most complex LEGO Technic model ever - the Mobile Crane MK II! Drive this 2,606-piece behemoth of a model into position with the cool 8-wheel steering and rotate the superstructure. Then activate the included LEGO Power Functions motor to extend the outriggers, lower the feet and extend or raise the crane arm up to 77cm into the air. Lower the hook with the working winch and get ready to lift the load! This authentic 2-in-1 model also features 10 wheels, 5 axles and a detailed V8 motor with moving pistons. Rebuilds into a container stacker and truck featuring Power Functions motor-powered extending and raising boom.
    Brand: LEGO, Model: 6025223

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