Includes 6 minifigures: Admiral Ackbar, MonMothma, General Lando Calrissian, General Madine, a Mon Calamari officer and a Green Squadron A-wing pilot!
Set features Mon Calamari command center, repair hangar and an A-wing starfighter!
Command center and repair hanger measure a combined 17 inches (43.2cm) long and 9 inches (22.9cm) wide!
Aboard the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser Home One, the Rebel Alliance plans its final assault against the Empires second Death Star. Voted for by fans to celebrate the 10th anniversary of LEGO Star Wars, the famous Rebel flagship features a command center and briefing room with Death Star "hologram", a launch and repair hangar, a Green Squadron A-wing starfighter with removable engine and firing flick-missiles, and the first-ever LEGO minifigures of Admiral Ackbar, Rebel leader Mon Mothma, General Lando Calrissian, General Madine, a Mon Calamari officer and a Green Squadron A-wing pilot. Move the levers and gears to prepare the A-wing for takeoff or to rotate Admiral Ackbar's command chair! Brand: LEGO, Model: 7754
Custom Tab 01
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