LEGO Galaxy Squad Swarm Interceptor 70701

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  • Includes 2 minifigures with weapons: Solomon Blaze and a winged alien mosquitoid.
  • Features a cockpit that rotates when you move and flip the ship.
  • Activate the split function to fight back with 2 fierce fighting machines!
  • Flyer features opening cockpit and detachable blasters.
  • Splits into flyer and turret.

  • An armed and dangerous alien mosquitoid is speeding this way on a space flyer! Stop that creepy crawler with blue team leader Solomon Blaze and the split function Swarm Interceptor! When the action gets too hot for one Galaxy Squad ship, split the Swarm Interceptor into 2 fierce fighting machines: an agile flyer with detachable guns and a powerful turret with hidden flick missiles! That pest doesn't stand a chance against the split-function Swarm Interceptor with Solomon Blaze at the wheel! Includes 2 minifigures with assorted weapons: Solomon Blaze and alien mosquitoid.
    Brand: LEGO, Model: 6025067

    Custom Tab 01

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