LEGO DUPLO Town My First Train Set 10507

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  • Features a steam train with real sound effects, station with ticket window and clock, fueling pump, DUPLO bricks and more than 22 Inch of track
  • Load the figures aboard the steam train and take a ride Fuel up the train and chug down the tracks Buy a ticket at the station
  • Tracks do not conduct electricity and therefore are not compatible with LEGO 9V trains For use with DUPLO trains only
  • DUPLO products are specially designed to be fun and safe for younger hands
  • Steam train measures over 3" high, 5" long, 2" wide Passenger wagon measures over 3" high, 6" long, 2" wide

  • Introduce your child to the world of trains and building with the LEGO DUPLO My First Train Set. Create the colorful steam train toy with sound effects, a passenger wagon, station with ticket window, fueling pump and signal. With a lot of DUPLO bricks and track, it's the perfect set for budding builders and hours of train-themed creative play. Requires 3 AA (1.5V) batteries (not included). Includes train driver and child DUPLO figures.
    Brand: LEGO, Model: 6069962, Color: Multicolored

    Custom Tab 01

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